Friday, 19 April 2013

Supporters & Sponsors

Team Ashworth would like to say a huge thank you to all of our many supporters and sponsors that have helped us over the last couple of months. From generous donations to all different kinds of cycling products, we couldn't be more thankful.

Yesterday we received bike spares from all the cyclists at Rockingham Wheelers who chipped together to help us. Rockingham Wheelers are an amazing local cycling club with many years of experience in cycling located in Middleton, Northampton. To find out more visit their website here

We also received a whole load of coconut water from a brand called Zico. We hadn't used this product before but had seen it advertised in a magazine and thought it looked perfect for our long distance cycle. Since then we have never looked back - this coconut flavoured water rapidly refreshes and re-hydrates us quicker then anything we have tried! The taste might not be for everyone but its an amazing product and we can't imagine attempting the cycle without it.

To check out some of our other amazing supporters click here

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